Certified Organic Tomatoes

Through the marriage of traditional organic farming practices and modern technologies for fertility, tissue sampling, and season extension we grow vine ripened delicious tomatoes from May through October for our local customers. We work with the microbial life in the soil, and use mostly waste products for fertilizers, to maintain healthy plants that can resist disease and pest problems without the use of pesticides or fungicides. We grow mainly a standard slicing variety for markets and stores perfect for BLTs and other sandwiches and salads and along with a changing selection of beautiful, delicious, and interesting heirloom and open pollinated varieties.
Our tomatoes are delivered within 24 hours of harvest and find themselves on dinner plates in not much more than that, so that there is always a fresh taste of summer sun on the shelves for local shoppers.

Where to purchase?
Deep Rooted, Westby, WI
Viroqua Food Co-op, Viroqua, WI
People's Food Co-op, La Crosse, WI
Organic Valley Retail Store, Cashton, WI
Organic Valley Retail Store, La Farge, WI
Festival Foods, Onalaska, WI
Festival Foods, La Crosse, WI
Proudly Served at: ​
Wonderstate Coffee Cafe, Viroqua, WI
Driftless Cafe, Viroqua
Noble Rind, Viroqua
Lovechild, La Crosse
The Charmant, La Crosse, WI
La Crosse Distilling, La Crosse, WI
Schuby's, La Crosse, WI
Restore Public House, La Crosse, WI
The Root Note, La Crosse, WI
Apothik, La Crosse, WI